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One town at a time…

Reading for today: 2 Samuel 12.

June 29,2024. This morning after praying and reading the Bible, there was a sense of leaving the motel where the Holy Spirt has had me with the Great commission here in Washington, DC. I started getting ready after listening to the Bible. I was led to walk to the local train station to get to the central train station where the local trains as well as where the nationwide trains leave from. When arriving to the train station I had around $22 dollars in cash and like $3 in the card. The attendant after me giving him the Good News of Jesus paper was led to pay for the $2 fair. Then after getting off the train I heard to go to the eating area to get some food after the fast. Then I was led to send a message to a few brothers and sisters updating them and praying with one. I am currently in the train station sitting and waiting for the provision for the flight, the stay, transportation to the stay and food needed for the next State I am hearing to go for the next Great commission.

After the waiting and the young sister sending the $ the flight was to Alabama was led to be bought and I was led to wait and it was for a woman who was waiting for her train to pray for me and to give me $20 dollars. Then I started taking the train to the airport arriving to the gate for the first plane to the changing airplane city to share the Good News of Jesus thru testimony and the paper with the people sitting at the gate. Then on the first airplane the Good News of Jesus was given out loud as led by the Holy Spirit. Praying as the Lord will lead and will provide for the place to stay there and all the rest of the needs for this Great Commission.

The Good News of Jesus was also shared out loud in the airport in Orlando, Florida and then on the airplane to Birmingham, Alabama. Arriving to the airport in Alabama the suitcase did not arrive and by 1am I was still in the airport giving out the Good News of Jesus paper to the night workers who were the only ones in the airport.

Yesterday I was led to create this fundraiser, please click on the link, read and share:

I have been led to share testimonies in this blog/podcast page of teachings and testimonies by the Holy Spirit. I have been also led to ask For However the Lord leads to be of support monetarily to this Great Commission, contact me through email:, CashApp: Lourdes Delacruz: $Lourdeskdelacruz, Zelle: Lourdes K Delacruz,, Revolut:@lourdeh0t5, for Western Union email me to get full name, for monetary support, with how much the Lord leads, for this Great Commission. Thankful for those who have answered to the invitation to be partners with this Great Commission thru monetary support and prayer, as you can read and see in the posts it is all used for the Great Commission.

Jesus wants you to know that HE LOVES YOU. He wants a relationship with you. Our sins separate us from God when we break his commandments. But if we repent and accept Jesus as our God and Savior, there is forgiveness, healing, restoration, purpose, eternal life, and much more. Talk to Him.🙏He wants to hear from you. 🖤 We are born to be loved by the Lord, to worship HIM, and to obey HIM through HIS Great Commission.

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Link to Study/Discipleship with the Book of Matthew:

Daily Devotional book to get: Daily Office by Pete Scazzero

Take the time to go to to see more teachings and testimonies as led by the Holy Spirit. Also subscribe to this page to receive the new posts as they come in.

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