One town at a time…

Reading for today: 2 Samuel 9.

June 25, 2024. Today woke up, after going back and forth to waking up and sleeping, as it sometimes happens depending on the territory that the Holy Spirit places me in for the Great Commission. Arrived yesterday here to Pennsylvania by a bus that took around 3 and a half hours, that dropped me off in a huge parking lot, where thank the Lord had some of the offerings left to take a taxi to the place the Lord was placing me for the Great Commission. I was waken up earlier by the Holy Spirit to get some breakfast to be heated up and eaten after 12noon, which is when the fast ended. Then heard to read the Bible, get ready, pray and work on the Study of the Book of Matthew, which the link is at the bottom of this page, together with other links. I have been led by the Holy Spirit to do the study/discipleship with the Book of Matthew in English every other day. After doing the study sensed to contact a young woman that the Lord had connected us in the Bronx, NY one Sunday that I was led to share the testimony of faith as well as the testimony of the 21 countries, and she was one of the focus of the Holy Spirit to speak and disciple her, she lives an hour and some minutes away from where the Lord has had me in Pennsylvania. I was led to go to the Lobby to wait for her and share the Good News of Jesus as people came in. The Lord is so specific, as it was for a couple that is living in the hotel to understand and hear what the Holy Spirit would have me say to them. Also for some of the workers and people who came to stay in the hotel. I was led to ask the young man at the reception if he knew of anywhere where copies are made and he offered to do them, as many as needed. The copies were made and the young sister came in a car and I heard for us to go to a restaurant that the name was specifically given.

We arrived to the restaurant and right away I was led by the Holy Spirit to give the Good News of Jesus paper to three young men that were close to the register, on was really receptive and the Holy Spirit had me pray with him as the Holy Spirit led. Then another young woman that worked there, a young man that came to eat who needs to get baptized and a man that worked at the restaurant. The Holy Spirit is so specific. The young sister and I spoke as the Holy Spirit led, then before that a sister after I asked was led to send an offering right before us going to eat, which some was used for the food, then I heard if we could go get wipes and it was for two young workers to receive the Good News of Jesus paper, as assistance was required from them. We then left for the young sister to drop me off at the hotel, we prayed, had some coffee, then she left, to which I heard to stay in the Lobby till 9PM, to give the Good News of Jesus paper as people came in and out. I prayed as the check out is at 11AM, Tuesday, June 25, 2024, as I write this post is 10:22AM on Tuesday, and I am hearing to go to another state with the bus leaving at 2:30PM and the money is needed to take the bus, for the stay in the next place and everything else needed for that Great Commission. I was led to ask some sisters and I ask that you prayfully consider partnering up with this Great Commission. I am waiting in expectation, my stomach gets tight in the waiting, but I am trusting the Lord’s kingdom will come and will will be done on Jesus name.

Today June 25,2024, I was led to be in the lobby and then heard to stay in the same hotel I was led to stay in. In the morning one of the receptionist told me not to leave the Good News of Jesus messages around the hotel that I had no permission, which I sensed opposition, then when I asked if there were any rooms available I was told no. I then heard from the Holy Spirit that is up to HIM where I am not up to people to stay. Then she was telling another lady how I am trying to make everyone a Christian. So many people have received the Good news of Jesus as I am here and in the area. I was reminded of how in one of the countries the Holy Spirit sent me to the manager of the 22 floor building the Holy Spirit placed me in threatened to give me a fine if I placed the messages around the building to which the Holy Spirit had me cover a few floors. The opposition always rises where ever the move of the Holy Spirit is happening. Everything is spiritual. Praying in Jesus name that this woman’s heart softens and she has an encounter with the Holy Spirit. In Jesús name.

I have been led to share testimonies in this blog/podcast page of teachings and testimonies by the Holy Spirit. I have been also led to ask For However the Lord leads to be of support monetarily to this Great Commission, contact me through email:, CashApp: Lourdes Delacruz: $Lourdeskdelacruz, Zelle: Lourdes K Delacruz,, Revolut:@lourdeh0t5, for Western Union email me to get full name, for monetary support, with how much the Lord leads, for this Great Commission. Thankful for those who have answered to the invitation to be partners with this Great Commission thru monetary support and prayer, as you can read and see in the posts it is all used for the Great Commission.

Jesus wants you to know that HE LOVES YOU. He wants a relationship with you. Our sins separate us from God when we break his commandments. But if we repent and accept Jesus as our God and Savior, there is forgiveness, healing, restoration, purpose, eternal life, and much more. Talk to Him.🙏He wants to hear from you. 🖤 We are born to be loved by the Lord, to worship HIM, and to obey HIM through HIS Great Commission.

Free Bible App:

Free Holy Spirit-filled series:

Link to Study/Discipleship with the Book of Matthew:

Daily Devotional book to get: Daily Office by Pete Scazzero

How did this blog post/testimony speak to you? How does it challenge you or encourage you to get closer to God, Jesus, Holy Spirit? How was your encounter with the Holy Spirit? How are you using the gifts and fruits the Holy Spirit has given you? Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Take the time to read the scriptures mentioned in this Blog post, as well as reading and or listening to the previous blogs/podcasts on this page. Share and subscribe to this page to receive the blogs or podcasts as they are published. Thanking the Lord for your life. God bless you and Jesus Loves you!


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