To live is Christ to die is gain…

Reading for today: 2 Samuel 6.

June 21, 2024. Today woke up after a night of warfare where the middle of my body was in pain, kept waking up, then when the time to get up came around 8AM I felt really drowsy and terrible, which happens as the next destination is coming, the change comes with different things spiritually, lately it has been my stomach. I prayed, gave the day to the Lord, listened to the word, heard to take out some not needed things out of the suitcase such as some boots, and long sleeve tops, shower sandals and a sleeping gown that would make my body very itchy, put them in a bag and left them outside, downstairs as was leaving, hoping that someone would take the items if they needed them. I heard to go, kept crying and crying as I walked to the bus to New York, as I was in New Jersey. The bus came promptly after I arrived to the bus stop, placing my suitcase in the bottom part of the bus on the outside. The trip took almost 2 hours arriving to a bus/train station by 34th street. The train to go to another part of Manhattan that I was hearing was at that station, which I was led to ask one of the young men of the house where the Lord had me in the Bronx, NY if he could bring me a package that had come for me to their house as I was going to be in the area, he said yes. I was still felling heavy and drowsy and I was led to call a sister after getting the package, eating lunch in a nearby restaurant, where the Good News of Jesus was given as led to give to two people, then being led to sit at a nearby cafe to record the study and discipleship with the book of Matthew, which the link will be posted at the bottom here. I called the young sister and she prayed such a powerful Holy Spirit filled prayer where I started feeling better. I was possibly that all that had happened in the last place needed to be delivered from around me, as it was heavy spiritually in the house mostly where the Lord had me stay, as there were many false gods and deities represented and there was a lot of rejection to the Jesus within the host and the women who rented the other two rooms separately. It was both draining and felt in there, plus the way I was treated by the host because of her rejection to the Holy Spirit was not good, she would speak to me in a very demeaning tone, at some points to leave her alone and I could sense the spiritual warfare that was coming from within her. I was led in those moments to ask her to give her a hug or to pray with her, which she quickly would go away. In the area a lot was done as shared in the last post; with people accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior in the local areas the Holy Spirit led and prayers as well.

After the stop in the Bronx, NY, getting the package, eating, praying with the young sister, recording the next book of Matthew for the Study on this page; I heard to start going. I walked to the bus that would take me to a train station, where inside the station there was a man with all this resources who was also sharing the Good News of Jesus, I was led to encourage him that even if people did not respond the fact that the name of Jesus was being proclaimed is powerful. Then I kept walking and the elevator was not working to go to the platform upstairs to take the next train. I started praying and was led to ask two young men that were standing not to far from me and one said: come I will carry the suitcase for you till the next shuttle that would take me to the next train, there were many stairs up and down. I was led to give him the Good News of Jesus card in Spanish as he shared that he is from Paraguay, that his name is Jesus and that he would share the message with his girlfriend as well. I was led to share with him that the Holy Spirit had sent me for 15 days to Paraguay, to the center and he was so encouraged. The young man said goodbye after making sure I was on the right platform and then I waited for the shuttle that would take me to the first train to go to the next place I am in till Sunday, which is located in Connecticut. It took two trains and when I arrived to the station, which was in the middle of not too much, was led to ask for a online taxi, that would take me to the house where the room is. The taxi driver received the Good News of Jesus card and mentioned after me telling him I was born in the Dominican Republic, growing up between NY and DR, he mentioned he had gone to the Dominican Republic to some of the cities as a tourist. He dropped me off and the owner of the place was there to receive me with two cats. Right away the Holy Spirit made me realize the hopeless, isolation, and everything I was feeling on the way which is what is felt in this town. I was led to tell her the testimony of coming to Jesus, giving her the Good News of Jesus paper, with her accepting a prayer as the Holy Spirit led. She got teary eyed and was so thankful, saying that I was the best guest she has had thru the app, the difference between the other woman and this one was refreshing. There are many reactions to the Holy Spirit in us, depending on where the person is spiritually, as I have shared before.

I was then led to ask for dinner places and the woman host told me of two choices and I hear the sports bar restaurant. I walked for a few minutes and arrived to the restaurant which the focus were the workers and two men that were sitting at the bar. I ate, and before finishing eating a young sister in Christ was led to send $30 dollars and it was exactly what was needed for the dinner, only Jesus/Holy Spirit. Three sisters and a brother, one sent it without me asking and the others I was led to ask, who were led to send the day before yesterday and yesterday, which helped pay for the room and transportation to get here as well as the food on the way. I then led to go for a walk to get water and snacks, which was to give the Good News of Jesus paper to a group of men sitting outside what seemed to be a mechanic shop who one asked as the woman host if I was not scared and I was led to tell them about how when we knows who’s we are and where we are going the fear goes away, that we do feel as we are still human and there is the spiritual world but that the Holy Spirit had sent me to 21 countries, mostly in red zones where there was a lot of a lot going on, and the Lord has protected and provided every step of the way. The men asked if I was asking for donations and I said no, that I was looking for a place to get water and it is interesting that that question was asked as in some places as people share the Good News of Jesus they ask the people for donations, or maybe he just wanted to give a donation, only God knows. I kept walking and arrived to an area where there were some shops including a Brazilian one where in there they were speaking in Portuguese, which they can understand Spanish as I spoke to them and told them about being sent to Sao Paulo, center in Brazil and they were so excited. I am being led to go to that area the next day as there is also a hispanic restaurant and as led by the Holy Spirit getting lunch after the fast and spreading the Good News of Jesus and or anything else the Holy Spirit leads to do. I was led to take a taxi to get back to the place with the driver being named Jesus, and the first one from the train to the room being called John. Biblical names, the things of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, the God who sees.

The room is in a two floor house, where there is a bathroom with a toilet downstairs, with a bathroom between the rented room and the woman host’s room, where the bathroom/shower in between the rooms can not be used between 9pm and 7:30am, to which the toilet downstairs has to be used downstairs. I was interesting to go the bathroom being followed by the cats, and it is very hot in the room, which the standing fan, then smaller fan and the small fan help, but is a reminder that it is not about comfort but about the souls that need to hear and receive the message of Jesus. I am constantly reminded of the fact that the Lord when He came as a man thru Jesus did not have a place to lay HIS head and HE was God. Matthew 8:20 And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” There was also a very strong smell, possibly from the cats of something that was lingering that might have happened before, to which I was led to pray that the aroma of the Holy Spirit took over and was led to spray a smelling spray that was gotten in Spain and went to sleep, waking up a few times to go to the bathroom downstairs. The important things is that those who are meant to understand understand, as we are here for sometime to be loved by the Lord, love HIM and do the Great Commission with HIS Holy Spirit’s gifts and fruits. Hebrews 11:13 All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth. 14 People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. 15 If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. 16 Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them. The Lord makes us understand the importance of obedience. Thanking the Lord for all that are praying for both my daughter and I, and the people that have been of monetary support for the Great Commission so that the Lord’s kingdom can come and will be done as HE leads thru HIS Holy Spirit.

I have been led to share testimonies in this blog/podcast page of teachings and testimonies by the Holy Spirit. I have been also led to ask For However the Lord leads to be of support monetarily to this Great Commission, contact me through email:, CashApp: Lourdes Delacruz: $Lourdeskdelacruz, Zelle: Lourdes K Delacruz,, Revolut:@lourdeh0t5, for Western Union email me to get full name, for monetary support, with how much the Lord leads, for this Great Commission. Thankful for those who have answered to the invitation to be partners with this Great Commission thru monetary support and prayer, as you can read and see in the posts it is all used for the Great Commission.

Jesus wants you to know that HE LOVES YOU. He wants a relationship with you. Our sins separate us from God when we break his commandments. But if we repent and accept Jesus as our God and Savior, there is forgiveness, healing, restoration, purpose, eternal life, and much more. Talk to Him.🙏He wants to hear from you. 🖤 We are born to be loved by the Lord, to worship HIM, and to obey HIM through HIS Great Commission.

Free Bible App:

Free Holy Spirit-filled series:

Link to Study/Discipleship with the Book of Matthew:

Daily Devotional book to get: Daily Office by Pete Scazzero

How did this blog post/testimony speak to you? How does it challenge you or encourage you to get closer to God, Jesus, Holy Spirit? How was your encounter with the Holy Spirit? How are you using the gifts and fruits the Holy Spirit has given you? Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Take the time to read the scriptures mentioned in this Blog post, as well as reading and or listening to the previous blogs/podcasts on this page. Share and subscribe to this page to receive the blogs or podcasts as they are published. Thanking the Lord for your life. God bless you and Jesus Loves you!


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