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Reading for today: Psalm 23.

June 19, 2024. Today I after waking up and going back to sleep, as there was a lot of spiritual warfare and heaviness, my body was in so much pain during the night, prayed and gave it all to the Lord in Jesus name. Read the Bible in 2 Samuel 4, asked the Lord a few questions and heard to extend the stay where HE has me till the 21st instead of the 20th, then I went to the online rental app messenger and saw that the room was available till the 21st. A sister was led to send an offering which was used for the extension together with what was left in the account from before. The host answered that I did have to leave by 10AM on the 21st as people are coming in the afternoon, which I agreed to. Then I was led to heat up some of the food left from yesterday and eat it, ever since being here I have a tense sense in my stomach, possibly because of all the deities around the house and what ever is going on with the woman host spiritually and deep rooted. The woman host came into the kitchen with her face lighting up when she saw me, she expressed how she was in so much pain and I was led to say that the Lord loves her and that I had been led to pray for her since the moment HE brought me here. She then left as she does not stay long around me. There is also a sense of heaviness around her, but after eating I heard to stay in inside unless guided to go out, as each interaction was going to have a spiritual meaning. The host’s son also receives the messages in the app so he is also receiving what ever the Holy Spirit leads to write. Around 3PM I was led to go down with a container of instant coffee to make some coffee as well as some water in a ceramic cup bought here after there was a lashing out about using the things here. When I was going to put the container of instant coffee the container fell and broke into pieces, I started looking for a broom and it was next to the fridge with an item to pick up the garbage. I swept and swept to make sure there were no pieces of glass left, to which the woman host came and asked what had happened, I shared that the container I had bought for instant coffee broke, she then stated to leave everything after picking up what had fell, I was led to offer to clean the kitchen as well as the room but she said she would do it. I was led to leave the kitchen then thru the app she sent a picture of the floor as she was cleaning it and how there was coffee coming out from under the dishwasher. She also stated to use the coffee machine in the room and the coffee, but I was led to tell her I had not been eating in the room due to the fact that insects come in a space where food is had and I was not led to eat in the room, which the Lord also explained that HE needs me in people’s faces not isolated in a room, which I did not say to her, as was not led to say that. I prayed and asked the Lord to give me the words if HE wanted me to answer and I heard what to send her and explain why I was here which is for the souls for who ever was meant to understand what John 14: Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. And Romans 10: If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. I sensed the Holy Spirit on my head as that was shared. I was reminded too of Romans 10: 14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”[a], as an encouraging message which has been shared at the bottom of this page for encouragement and what ever the Holy Spirit does with messages HE has us share. I was also led to send the woman host Psalm 23 and the song called Reckless love and send them a picture that a young sister in Christ was led to share of how the Lord leaves the 99 to reach the one and that is how HE sends us too, all for the souls who are meant to understand and become part of the Great Commission, after receiving: healing, restoration, purpose, eternal life fruits, the Holy Spirit, fruits, gifts and much more. We are redeemed by the Lord thru Jesus and filled with the Holy Spirit to redeem in Jesus name.

I was also as speaking to a sister in Christ by the Holy Spirit of the importance of filling up and moving thru the guidance, authority, discernment and tools given in the Bible on how to do the Great Commission as Jesus did, with for example what we read in Matthew 13, which is pictured below with the parable of the soils and how each person we are led to speak to represent either of those soils. We also get discernment of spirits to know what the person is carrying if it is a principality, which we learn from the book of Enoch, that can be downloaded as an app or PDF. We are always being reminded and equipped and spoken to by the Holy Spirit as we are doing HIS Great Commission. After what was done and happened in the house; I was led to take a shower and there was an urgency to go get some items in the nearby supermarket, which as soon as the floor was hit in the parking lot there was a man arranging the carts who I was led to give the Good News of Jesus paper, he said he prayed, he was heard, then I was led to say the prayer of starting a relationship with Jesus so that the Holy Spirit can come in him and he did, then he stated that he felt a warmth in his chest, I was then led to pray for him and answer some questions he had. Often people ask where is the church I lead and I am led to explain that the Holy Spirit who came as a man to die for us after I received Jesus and got baptized called me to the Great Commission where ever he places me, as HE did and HIS disciples did when they were here and that now as we receive Jesus, get baptized and receive the Holy Spirit we will do as HE leads where HE leads. The man was really encouraged, then as the few items were gotten in the supermarket with some of the offering sent by the sister; the Holy Spirit would point out who to give the Good News of Jesus paper and they were very thankful. Pushback and oppression will always be part of the Great Commission as we are planting seeds and raising disciples with the authority and guidance of the Holy Spirit, but we are not doing it alone, the Lord is with us and one of us is worth a thousand, as the Lord teaches us thru the Bible. We will feel what the Lord feels in magnified ways most of the time, as well as we will get tired, as HE got tired when HE was here as a man; which is why is so important to unpack the day with the Holy Spirit at the end, worshipping, filling up again with HIS tools so we can continue fighting the Good fight for the souls, remembering that who ever is meant to understand will understand. Proverbs 3: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. And Zechariah 4: So he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty. Are great reminders as we answer the Great Commission. The Lord will provide other parts of the body in HIS time to unpack, share and pray for one another, which is a reminder that we are never alone and that the Lord of Lords, the King of Kings, the Alpha and the Omega is with us and within us. We are never alone and those who are meant to understand will understand. Ended the day with recording the teaching and reflexion of Matthew 10, as led by the Holy Spirit to record and post in the Study/Discipleship with the Book of Matthew, which link is shared also at the bottom of this post. Thankful for those who are praying for both my daughter and I, and have also been of monetary support, now praying and believing for the provision to get the place in the next town I am hearing on the 21st of this month. May the Lord’s kingdom keep coming and will being done where ever we are placed as it is in heaven, in Jesus name.

I have been led to share testimonies in this blog/podcast page of teachings and testimonies by the Holy Spirit. I have been also led to ask For However the Lord leads to be of support monetarily to this Great Commission, contact me through email:, CashApp: Lourdes Delacruz: $Lourdeskdelacruz, Zelle: Lourdes K Delacruz,, Revolut:@lourdeh0t5, for Western Union email me to get full name, for monetary support, with how much the Lord leads, for this Great Commission. Thankful for those who have answered to the invitation to be partners with this Great Commission thru monetary support and prayer, as you can read and see in the posts it is all used for the Great Commission.

Jesus wants you to know that HE LOVES YOU. He wants a relationship with you. Our sins separate us from God when we break his commandments. But if we repent and accept Jesus as our God and Savior, there is forgiveness, healing, restoration, purpose, eternal life, and much more. Talk to Him.🙏He wants to hear from you. 🖤 We are born to be loved by the Lord, to worship HIM, and to obey HIM through HIS Great Commission.

Free Bible App:

Free Holy Spirit-filled series:

Link to Study/Discipleship with the Book of Matthew:

Daily Devotional book to get: Daily Office by Pete Scazzero

How did this blog post/testimony speak to you? How does it challenge you or encourage you to get closer to God, Jesus, Holy Spirit? How was your encounter with the Holy Spirit? How are you using the gifts and fruits the Holy Spirit has given you? Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Take the time to read the scriptures mentioned in this Blog post, as well as reading and or listening to the previous blogs/podcasts on this page. Share and subscribe to this page to receive the blogs or podcasts as they are published. Thanking the Lord for your life. God bless you and Jesus Loves you!


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