Jesus what a savior, what a brother, what a friend…

Reading for today: 2 Samuel 11.

June 26, 2024. Woke up, listened to the word in the Bible, prayed, cried and cried which happens at the end of the Great Commission in a place to go to the next, possibly unpacking all that was done and happened and what is to come or be done, as well as the unknown. Put on the full armor, did the check out after getting ready and working on the study of the Book of Matthew, which the link is at the bottom of this page. Then sat at the lobby of the hotel in Reading, PA and ordered a taxi online, which was a woman who is a single mom who has not been attending church but has had a relationship with the Lord, who had had some accidents and needed to be prayed for healing in her body and as we stopped in a light and then she drove I was led to pray for her body, in Jesus name and with the authority of the Holy Spirit, she was very thankful and dropped me off. The area where the bus station is where I would take the bus to Philadelphia to then take the train to the next destination in Washington, DC was a mixed area where a lot is happening spiritually. I was first led to go into a deli that sold hot food, where the owner when he heard that I am a full time Christian missionary started sharing different stories of things that have happened to him, he was heard, was so thankful that the Lord sent someone to that area, and expressed that I should go back, which is a comment I get a lot when people sense a spiritual connection and sense the need of the Holy Spirit being in a place. We prayed as I was led to after listening and him stating he had never met someone like me, which I also get a lot, as I am sent to specific places and people where the Holy Spirit is needed. The God who sees and hears the prayers of the people. In the area the Good News of Jesus was given as there were groups of men and women that seemed to be going thru some things, they were thankful for the Good News of Jesus paper and the message. When we are in dark situations it gives so much hope to know and understand how much the creator of the universe loves us and cares for us and it is a light in the midst of the darkness, as we read in Matthew 5: 13 “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet. 14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that[b] they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

Then after giving the Good News of Jesus in the area, was led to go in to the station and it was to share the Good News of Jesus out loud and for the young man who was the attendant inside the glass to discern that I am a missionary, which he expressed when I approached the window to ask which number was the bus leaving from in the station. He was led to ask questions and we spoke till the time close to the bus leaving. Then I was led to give him my information and was led to ask him to please send an offering of how ever much the Lord led, he said he would. After March the Holy Spirit after I pray for the day would lead who to ask or to wait. I left to the bathroom quickly as the bus would live in a couple of minutes and he came to meet me by the bus with another man so excited and I had been hearing to pray with him and it was a confirmation. I prayed first for the anointing of the Holy Spirit, then he prayed in a mighty powerful way in Jesus name for me and the journey ahead and gave me $40 dollars in cash. Before leaving he sent me a message and we stayed connected.

By the time of leaving I had $140 dollars in cash, with what the brother had been led to give and like $50 in the card. The bus arrived to Philadelphia to the Amtrak train station, which would be my first time ever taking that train anywhere or at least from there. I was able to take a nap on the bus, after uploading the teaching of the Book of Matthew for the day. Once arriving inside the train station looked for the bathroom and a place to sit and wait. There was a lot of people, was led to get something to drink and a dessert, sat back down and it was to give the Good News of Jesus paper to a young lady who lives in New York and was visiting Philadelphia, we had a long conversation and she got to hear all about the 21 countries the Holy Spirit had sent me to and the recent experience of being forced to leave a hotel for sharing the Good News of Jesus in Pennsylvania. She was very encouraged and surprised. The train was announced and a line needed to be made. The train came and got a sit and something for dinner as it was around 6:30PM when in the train to Washington, DC. By the point I did not know where to stay but was sensing a Motel. I arrived to the train station in Washington, DC, huge station, sat in the waiting area to pray and hear about what to do. After praying I heard the motel to go to, the place had terrible reviews as people were complaining of the population that was in the motel and the way it was. I then got the taxi online, after also giving the Good News of Jesus outside the train station to a few people who seemed homeless, which there is a group that is in the station and outside the station. The taxi driver got to hear the journey of faith and was encouraged as he said he is a Christian and had a Christian radio station playin in the car. He dropped me off but there was a $100 dollar deposit as well as the price of the room. I prayed and shared the situation with a few brothers and sisters, as I waited gave out the Good News of Jesus to a few people including the attendant, got a few bottles of water and the brother from the station reached out and sent $60 dollars, as I had also sensed that was not the place I was meant to be, but the Lord allowed it for the people that were spoken to and who received the Good News of Jesus. Then I was able to order a taxi online and head to the Motel I was meant to be in, where the taxi driver had so many questions and at the end I was led to hug him, I prayed that he would have a personal encounter with Jesus as he had many legalistic ideas about Christianity, but was heard and seen. In the motel lobby was a woman security and a man doing the check in, the check in went smoothly and it was $120 for the night cash which a young sister was led to send also send $150 which I was led to pay for two nights to go to the area where the Holy Spirit is sending me the next day as hear, so that I could leave the suitcase and book bag there. After doing all of the procedures to get the room, there was a man in the lobby with whom I was led to share the Good News of Jesus paper who I was also led to listen and pray with for the anointing of the Holy Spirit, who after was led to get me a soda, a honey bun and chips in the bending machine, in such a thankful and humbling way. Expecting miracles and wonders and for the Holy Spirit to fill the places where HE is sending, as well as all of the provisions for food transportation and for everything needed for this Great Commission, in Jesus name.

Thankful to those praying for both my daughter and I, and for those who have been and will be of monetary support for the Lord’s kingdom to keep coming and HIS will being done in Jesus name. My email is for what ever the Holy Spirit leads you, in Jesus name.

Jesus wants you to know that HE LOVES YOU. He wants a relationship with you. Our sins separate us from God when we break his commandments. But if we repent and accept Jesus as our God and Savior, there is forgiveness, healing, restoration, purpose, eternal life, and much more. Talk to Him.🙏He wants to hear from you. 🖤 We are born to be loved by the Lord, to worship HIM, and to obey HIM through HIS Great Commission.

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Link to Study/Discipleship with the Book of Matthew:

Daily Devotional book to get: Daily Office by Pete Scazzero

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