Like the first disciples…

Reading for today: Acts 2 and Acts 9.

June 23, 2024. Today after praying, reading the Bible and hearing where to go next started getting ready, with hearing to go as soon as I got ready. I put on the full armor and the blood of Jesus covering my daughter as well and was led to order a taxi online where the driver was very opposed to Christianity as he said he believed in something else to which I was led to tell him about John 14:6 and what ever else the Holy Spirit led me to say, from the time in Danbury, Connecticut he was the only one that had expressed the opinion and questions, the seed was planted and then when getting off from the taxi, there was a man sitting outside the trains station who said that he had been there since early but that none of the trains had come by, that the next one would be the 10:33 am one, I was led to give him the Good News of Jesus paper and then I started heading to the bench area to sit. While I was sitting this older man came over and suggested that I move from that bench as there was a very unhealthy moldy smell, to come sit where there was more breeze. I was led to give him the Good News of Jesus paper, to which he asked if I could tell him what it said as he had been blinded thru a stroke he had, to which I shared what the Good News of Jesus paper said, asked if I could pray for his body and for healing and he said yes, as we prayed he started crying, then I was led to ask him if he wanted to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior and he said yes and repeated the prayer of salvation that I had been led to do with him, with after him saying it, using Romans 10:9 as a reference, he was so thankful and started sharing how his wife had recently died after getting the covid vaccine, which induced another illness and how lonely he felt and how thankful he was that the Lord had sent me to that very stop at that very time for him to be heard and seen. He started asking if I knew any Christian churches, to which I told him that now that the Holy Spirit lives in him, and he was an official son to ask the Lord in prayer to provide him with a community of faith, where they can pick him up and drop him off. Then the other man from the beginning came over and started sharing how he had come to Danbury, CT for a job but had not worked out and he quit the job and was returning to New York that very morning, I was led to pray for him and he was so encouraged. The God who sees.

I started feeling the unknown feeling I get on the top of my stomach, but this time thank God I did not throw up, as I kept telling the Lord that even thought up to that moment I did not know where I was going to stay or how in the next town that I rested in him and I was led to ask a few people for prayer. Then as I was approaching New York my daughter texted me that she could meet me in the station I was getting off to eat something and then take me to the bus as she had taken a bus there before a while ago. It was such a great joy to see her and hug her. I miss her so so much. I know this whole journey of us being separated now for 3 years after being together for 21-22 years has not been easy, but I have to trust as I always pray for her that she is in the Lord’s hands too. At times I would love to be able to help her more, like she needs an air conditioner for her room as is very hot, which I am praying will be provided and for her to always have what she needs to go on every day. I am constantly reminded of Mary with Jesus, how she must have felt knowing that he had to go thru what he was going thru but still prayed for him and encouraged him when he saw him. My daughter after having pizza at the Gran Central station and both of us being heard got me some banana pudding that was so delicious, I cried because of the unknown of it all and it was so encouraging to hear her say that it was ok that I felt that way as I am still human. I cry now as I am led to write this. In the last train taken on the seat was a brand new package of cookies which reminded me of a time I was told I needed to eat more avocados and the Lord will place brand new packages of avocados on bus benches. I cry and cry as I write this.

My daughter dropped me off right outside the door, we hugged and the driver helped with the suitcase. Then as I came into the bus I was led to share the Good News of Jesus out loud to give the Good News paper to the driver and a young lady in the bus. The bus ride to the next town was 3 and a half hours, arriving around 5:30PM to a huge parking lot in Pennsylvania. On the way I heard the name of the place to stay and with what was had, plus some money transferred from another account that had $100 left the inn was rented from today till Tuesday. I started crying and crying as everything that was provided was exactly what was needed for the transportation, the food, the taxi, the stay and the taxi to get to the inn. I had $20 dollars left with which I was led to get dinner in a nearby restaurant bar, where the young man that check me in received the Good News of Jesus, a couple that arrived to the hotel, another couple, where I was led to leave the Good News of Jesus paper on their room door. At the restaurant bar there were two young ladies one that works at the inn where the restaurant is who were so thankful that they were led to treat me to a ginger ale. There were 3 men playin billiard to who I was led to give the Good News of Jesus paper as they played, then as people came in also giving them the Good News of Jesus paper, together with the young man who works at the kitchen who started saying yes, yes, yes, yes and some being surprised that the Good News was being given in there. The God who is so intentional, who sees and is constantly pursuing his creation to have a relationship. The young lady at the bar made sure I had everything I needed and said that she hopes I enjoyed the food. It was nice to receive mercy and kindness as it is not always the case, but I am thankful to the Lord who always reminds me that the results of answering the Great Commission in the places sent is not a reflexion of what the Holy Spirit is doing, as there are many different reactions to the Holy Spirit and the Good News of Jesus, depending on the person.

The Good News of Jesus was also given to a few men that were either staying or coming out of the inn from across the street. I was reminded of how the Lord when he was here as man, as I was led to watch the chosen series recently also stayed in homes, inns, tents, and where ever led to stay with the first disciples and then when the first disciples received the Holy Spirit, as well as Paul, they were commissioned as we see in Acts 2 and Acts 9, they also stayed where ever they were led to stay and go as led by the Holy Spirit. The Lord knows thru who the provision will come from for the days here in Pennsylvania, and to get to the next place, as HE has done and will continue to do, as this is HIS Great Commission, with HIS leading, for the souls and for HIS kingdom to come and will be done in Jesus name. I am hearing to be here in Pennsylvania till next Tuesday, to go to another state. Thankful for those who are praying for both my daughter and I. Also thankful for those who have been asked or led to send monetary support, as you can see it is all for the Great Commission.

I have been led to share testimonies in this blog/podcast page of teachings and testimonies by the Holy Spirit. I have been also led to ask For However the Lord leads to be of support monetarily to this Great Commission, contact me through email:, CashApp: Lourdes Delacruz: $Lourdeskdelacruz, Zelle: Lourdes K Delacruz,, Revolut:@lourdeh0t5, for Western Union email me to get full name, for monetary support, with how much the Lord leads, for this Great Commission. Thankful for those who have answered to the invitation to be partners with this Great Commission thru monetary support and prayer, as you can read and see in the posts it is all used for the Great Commission.

Jesus wants you to know that HE LOVES YOU. He wants a relationship with you. Our sins separate us from God when we break his commandments. But if we repent and accept Jesus as our God and Savior, there is forgiveness, healing, restoration, purpose, eternal life, and much more. Talk to Him.🙏He wants to hear from you. 🖤 We are born to be loved by the Lord, to worship HIM, and to obey HIM through HIS Great Commission.

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Link to Study/Discipleship with the Book of Matthew:

Daily Devotional book to get: Daily Office by Pete Scazzero

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