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What we hear and watch…

From time to time and I know from personal experience the enemies of our souls will send shows, music, people to try to distract us from being a Holy people, the thing that the enemy attacks the most is Holiness/Sanctification, as we read in John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full, so we must be mindful of what we hear, who we listen to and what we watch, it does affect more than we can imagine the way the Holy Spirit flows and how we hear HIM. If something is not eternal is not of God, if it does not bring us close to God is not of God. Many things that seem of light are of darkness. It also can open portals to the darkness. May the Lord fill us up with discernment in Jesus name. Also let’s remember 1 Corinthians 6:19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, 20 for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. We are meant to be living testimonies of a living God, people will either want to be or not believers of Jesus according to what they see in our lives as we say we are Christians.

Jesus wants you to know that HE LOVES YOU. He wants a relationship with you. Our sins separate us from God when we break his commandments. But if we repent and accept Jesus as our God and Savior, there is forgiveness, healing, restoration, purpose, eternal life, and much more. Talk to Him.🙏He wants to hear from you. 🖤 We are born to be loved by the Lord, to worship HIM, and to obey HIM through HIS Great Commission.

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How did this blog post/testimony speak to you? How does it challenge you or encourage you? How was your encounter with the Holy Spirit? How are you using the gifts and fruits the Holy Spirit has given you? Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Have you been baptized by submersion to receive the Holy Spirit? Take the time to read the scriptures mentioned in this Blog post, as well as reading and or listening to the previous blogs/podcasts on this page, that go through each of the cities and countries with more details of this Great Commission. The Holy Spirit led to create this page for teachings and testimonies that are being used and received by people all over the world. All for the Great Commission and for God’s glory and purpose. Share and subscribe to receive the blogs or podcasts as they are published. Thanking the Lord for your life. God bless you and Jesus Loves you!


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