Be imitators of me as I am of Christ…

Reading for today 1 Samuel 13

May 30, 2024. Yesterday was a day of remembering, unpacking as the Holy Spirit has had me doing for the past few days while in the house HE has opened the door to. It has been hard to wake up in the mornings and I feel like I need fellowship with other believers. I read the Bible, prayed heard who to ask for the provision for the day as the Holy Spirit gave the name and one send $20 and another $10, before that having a conversation with a woman about how the Lord has me asking in this season after arriving to New York, and why HE has me asking. When the Lord called me to be an Apostle like Paul, HE asked me to leave everything and to leave by faith. It must be challenging for some people to give to something they can’t see or are not experiencing themselves, but in my case I have to do as the Holy Spirit tells me to do or say, as when HE called me HE told me that people would be either discipled, blessed, challenged or the different reactions that can be had, depending on where that person is with their relationship or not with the Holy Spirit thru Jesus. I have to constantly depend on people’s obedience to this Great Commission, as I also move in obedience for the souls of others where ever the Holy Spirit leads and have been able to with a humbling honor thru the obedience impact people’s lives in very specific ways thru the leading and moving of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirt told me when HE called to live by faith that HE would provide and HE has thru many vessels, as HE always reminds me to take care of HIS Great Commission and that HE will take care of me. For me it is interesting as the Lord never or rarely had me ask before. In two occasions recently; the Holy Spirit has led me to ask three people, one saying they were not led to give, another not seeing the message till after and another with no answer at all, but the Lord still made a way for the needed things. Other than that each day the Lord has made sure the needed food and transportation money is provided, such as yesterday with the $30 dollars that it served to take the bus back and forth, getting lunch after going to the bank, sharing the Good News of Jesus with the person who attended me and seeing the restaurant where the Lord had me had lunch with a woman who told me 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 for the Holy Spirit to make sure I understand that the call to church plant in Yonkers would be started, as the people were ready and it had to be me. This is the second place the Holy Spirit sends me after coming back to New York that had to do with the beginning. In the restaurant the waiter received the Good News of Jesus paper and at the end was so thankful for the message, a woman came in and sat in the table next to where I was, sharing that her mother in law was in a hospice because of Cancer, we spoke, I shared as the Holy Spirit led and I was led to pray for the woman at the hospital to get to know Jesus and to be healed if it was the Lord’s will, then the woman that was sitting next to me was convicted to seek the Lord more. I was reminded of how people will confess and be convicted by the Holy Spirit in us as we are Holy Lands for the Holy Spirit to flow thru. It is all spiritual. In certain countries people sat next to me confessed, accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior and expressed how they felt the Holy Spirit as they sat there and cried. It is one of the things that is attacked the most in us: HOLINESS/SANCTIFICATION, specially when we are tired and vulnerable the enemies of the souls will send someone of the opposite sex or worries of lack, which happens a lot, that is where fellowship with the Holy Spirit and the Body of Christ come, as the darkness tries so hard to isolate us.

The money in the account that was sent as an offering was exactly what was needed to eat and take the bus back and forth, on the bus was able to have conversations with people which was so nice and needed. It was a reminder that we are built in relationship, by a God in relationship who is a father, son and holy spirit, three in one, who made us in relationship as we read in Genesis 1(Click on the link to read or re-read Genesis 1):

There are days that are felt more than others as we walk with the Holy Spirit in the Great Commission, that we feel what HE feels for the places or cities HE places us in, the disobedience, the hopelessness, the lack of faith, the lack of people surrendering and sharing about Jesus, the pain of the people, the isolation, we get to feel everything that the Lord feels for where HE places us to move with mercy and compassion, like HE did when HE came to be fully human till the cross. In ministry, Jesus was motivated by compassion (Matthew 9:3615:32) and moved by grief (John 11:33). He carried heavy burdens (Luke 12:50Isaiah 53:4–5) and even experienced times of emotional agony (Luke 22:41–44). Through it all, Jesus taught us to take every feeling of inner turmoil and submit it to God in prayer (Matthew 6:9–1314:2326:41John 6:15; see also Philippians 4:6Romans 8:26). All thru the scriptures also with the Prophets and people who also went thru a lot for the salvation and understanding of others and themselves we can see how real this spiritual world and walk is as we read those books in the Bible. The Lord in HIS ways lets us understand thru testimonies that HE sends our way; that in the midst of it all those who are meant to understand will understand and the importance of continuing, thru also Matthew 24:12 And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. 13 But the one who endures to the end will be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Yesterday after napping a couple of times and unpacking everything that had happened with the Lord; I was led to start the discipleship/teaching with the Book of Matthew as I had heard a few days ago, after being in this house, as there is a discipleship/teaching with the Book of Matthew but in Spanish. It is called Study/ Discipleship with the Book of Matthew which is in this page. There are almost 200 teachings and testimonies in this page, which the Holy Spirit led to do starting in the pandemic to be used and for all the Holy Spirit does as they are read and or listened, as some are podcasts as well.

Today again there was a heaviness to wake up; I cried out to the Lord while in the futon where I sleep to please today provide food and needed items, as everything had ran out, without me having to ask if it was HIS will and that I needed fellowship and someone to pray with me and for me. I was then led to start doing this book that is in the office area of the space the Lord opened up thru brothers and sisters that is called the Daily office led to be written by Peter Scazzero, which I had at the beginning of being called by the Holy Spirit which is a devotional that makes us stop for 2min. at the beginning, there is a reflective devotional with scripture and then 2min of silence again with the Lord at the end. I highly recommend it. The picture of the book is the one down here in case you are led to get it for your contemplating and one on one time with the Holy Spirit.

Today after praying and the reflective time with the Lord this morning one of the young men that are upstairs came down to ask if there were things that I needed which I sensed the Lord in, as I had just prayed about the needed items and for the Holy Spirit to move someone if it was HIS will today without me asking verbally and I was also led to ask him to please pray for me and he did. I cried and cried as HE prayed as I sensed the Holy Spirit answering the prayer and sending fellowship which I had also prayed in the morning. He was led to give me his number as he was going to the store so I can send him the list of the items needed. He was led to mention to let them know if I needed anything for them to get it at the store as the Lord has me here. I felt the warm heavy hand of the Lord on my chest as the young man said that. Jesus/ Holy Spirit. It is such a real journey to be an ambassador of the Holy Spirit with HIS authority and guidance. After eating and recording the second teaching of Matthew I was led to go for a walk and a sister in Christ called, we prayed teaching her how to anoint her home with Jesus/Holy Spirit, which was a reminder for me also of the importance of taking authority of where we are in Jesus name and anointing the place with the Holy Spirit, not opening doors to any darkness with what is watched and heard while in the place and thru the day. There are many portals that are opened with so much, anything that is not of Christ is of the darkness and we allow it in our places when we watch it or listen. Thankful for those who are praying, as well as those who have been of monetary support for this Great Commission. Prayers are needed so much in this season as the Holy Spirit may lead you to pray for both my daughter and I, for the Lord’s kingdom to come and will be done, in Jesus name.

While on the way back was led to use the bathroom in a restaurant and was led to give the Good News of Jesus paper, then before going up some steps was led to give the Good News of Jesus paper to a group of young man that were drinking and one called me asked me questions, did the prayer of salvation, as I said the words he repeated, asked me for my information, the link for the teachings and was very thankful the Lord sent me that way. Thanking the Holy Spirit as HIS purposes get accomplished and it is a humbling honor to have access to HIS creation and that those who are meant to understand will understand. 🙌🕊️🙏🏼😌

Jesus wants you to know that HE LOVES YOU. He wants a relationship with you. Our sins separate us from God when we break his commandments. But if we repent and accept Jesus as our God and Savior, there is forgiveness, healing, restoration, purpose, eternal life, and much more. Talk to Him.🙏He wants to hear from you. 🖤 We are born to be loved by the Lord, to worship HIM, and to obey HIM through HIS Great Commission.

Free Bible App:

Link to testimony of being called by the Holy Spirit:

Some testimonies of different people in some of the countries, if we have met feel free to share the testimony, in writing in this link:

Link for teaching about Sanctification/Holiness:

Free Holy Spirit-filled series:

How did this blog post/testimony speak to you? How does it challenge you or encourage you? How was your encounter with the Holy Spirit? How are you using the gifts and fruits the Holy Spirit has given you? Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, have been baptized by submersion to receive the Holy Spirit? Take the time to read the scriptures mentioned in this Blog post, as well as reading and or listening to the previous blogs/podcasts on this page, that go thru each of the cities and countries with more details of this Great Commission. That the Holy Spirit led to create this page for teachings and testimonies that are being used and received by people all over the world. All for the Great Commission and for God’s glory and purpose. Share and subscribe to receive the blogs or podcasts as they are published. Thanking the Lord for your life. God bless you and Jesus Loves you!


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